Dari refleksi yg telah saya lakukan sebelumnya, nampaknya saya akan tetap berfocus dng menggunakan berbagai media yg gratisan, karena jika digarap dng benar ternyata juga bisa memberikan hasil. Dan tehnik yg saya lakukan adalah white hat saja. Ada bbrp alasan utk hal ini: yg pertama, tehnik ini lebih aman dari ancaman banned; kedua, bisa bertahan utk jangka yg lebih panjang; ketiga, selama ini yg cukup menghasilkan adalah dari tehnik white hat. Meski hasilnya tdk seinstan jika dibandingkan dng menggunakan tehnik black hat.
Saya akan tetap mencoba menggunakan yg gratisan hingga benar ada dana yg cukup utk melakukan aktifitas yg berbayar (misalkan menggunakan wordpress.org sbg situsnya, dan adword sbg tehnik promosinya).
Setelah melakukan refleksi ulang dari apa yg telah saya lakukan selama ini, saya merasa ada banyak hal yg efektif dan tidak efektif. Adapun yg perlu saya lakukan utk optimasi bisnis online mulai awal tahun 2009 adalah:
1. Menentukan 10 blog yg akan digarap ditahun ini (dng tema2 tertentu).
2. Seleksi keyword yg potensial dng menggunakan tool adword google. Saya harus memastikan bahwa keyword2 tersebut aalah keyword yg banyak pencarinya, memiliki pesaing yg tdk begitu banyak, dan mrp HPK.
3. Menggunakan blog hasil karya isnaini. Template ini benar2 bloggerized adsense, dimana iklan adsensenya bisa diletakkan dimana saja dan colournya juga bisa disesuaikan dng kesukaan.
4. Tetap memasang meta tag, dan sitemap pada blog. Tujuannya adalah agar semua page terindeks oleh mesin pencari.
5. Membuat artikel yg lebih baik dari sisi kwalitasnya: density keyword tetap sekitar 3-5%; jumlah artikel sekitar 400 kata.
6. Memasang feed burner.
7. Memasang kode google analitik.
8. Submit hanya ke 6 artikel direktori. Meskipun ada ratusan free artikel deriktori namun pada kenyataanya, banyak yg kurang htlm friendly, bahkan banyak yg no follow. Saya akan memastikan submit di ezineartikel. Disamping itu juga memastikan utk memasang anchor teks yg sesuai dng keywords yg dibidik.
9. Melakukan submit ke sekitar 10 situs social boolmarking. Meski belum ada hasil backlink (mungkin perlu waktu), namun dari riset yg saya lakukan terhadap backlink situs orang lain ada bbrp situs sosial bookmarking yg bisa diandalkan sbg backlink (do follow).
10. Alternative berikutnya adalah dng membuat dummy blog yg banyak. Utk keefektifannya saya belum tahu. Tapi sangat masuk akal, dan dari kata banyak orang yg cukup berpengalaman tehnik ini cukup efektif. Bahkan sang master Cosa aranda juga pernah membuktikannya.
Sebetulnya banyak hal yg ingin saya singgung terutama dalam kaitannya dng keefektifan dari tiap tool dan media tertentu sbg upaya optimasi, namun pastilah sangat memakan waktu dan lebih baik saya singgung satu persatu dalam postingan2 berikutnya.
31 Desember, 2008
Refleksi Akhir Tahun: What I Should Do for Internet Marketing in 2009
Label: Bisnis Online
Diposting oleh M che anam di 06.08 1 komentar
30 Desember, 2008
Refleksi Akhir Tahun I: What I Did for Internet Marketing in Year 2008.
Seperti yg pernah saya singgung sebelumnya bahwa alangkah baiknya jika saya melakukan refleksi ulang di penghujung tahun ini. Menurut saya, ini adalah suatu hal yg penting utk dilakukan bagi siapapun yg ingin sukses di tahun 2009 nanti.
Selama ini saya hanya menggunakan media gratisan utk semua kegiatan internet marketing, baik dari pembuatan situs (blogger), alat2 optimasi (google analitik, google translate, analisis keyword dll), media promosi (artikel marketing, social bokkmarking, url direktori), hingga jenis bisnisnya pun juga gratisan (adsense_).
Meski dari sisi penghasilan masih jauh dari yg diharapkan, namun alhamdulillah sudah ada penghasilan (meski sedikit). Setidaknya sedikit banyak saya jadi tahu apa yg harus saya lakukan (optimasi) dan apa yg tdk perlu saya lakukan di tahun 2009 nanti.
Alhamdulillah juga dari berbagai macam eksperimen SEO selama ini, ada bbrp keyword penting yg bisa dikatakan berhasil. Bagi saya hasilnya tdk begitu mengecewakan, ada bbrp keyword yg saya bidik nangkring diposisi 10 besar, 20 besar, dam ada juga yg lebih di mesin pencari google. Bahkan ada keyword menempati posisi pertama dng jumlah pesaing kurang lebih 2 jutaan; ada juga yg nangkring diposisi 11 dng jumlah pesaing 10 jutaan. Namu kadang naik dan kadang turun lagi, barangkali karena persaingan utk keyword tsb sangat kompetitif. Dng melakukan refleksi ulang (flash back) setidaknya saya jadi tahu faktor2 apa saja yg bisa menyebabkan demikian.
Dalam kesempatan ini saya igin membahas optimamsi apa saja yg saya lakukan selama ini. Sebagaimana telah lazim diketahui bahwa optimasi search engine bisa dikategorikan mjd 2, yakni on-page dan off-page. Utk optimasi ini, saya meggunakan sekitar 25% utk aktifitas on-page, dan sekitar 75 % utk off page. Yg saya lakukan utk optimasi on-page blogspot saya adalah:
1. Memasang meta tag. Terdiri dari tiga tag yakni, title, deskripsi dan keyword.
2. Memasang google site map.
3. Membuat optimized content (artikel). Panjang artikel sekitar 250-500 kata dng density keyword sekitar 3-5%.
4. Membuat judul dng keyword yg dibidik.
Hanya itu yg saya lakukan. Sementara dalam kaitannya optimasi off-page adalah.
1. Mendaftarkan situs ke feed burner.
2. Submit ke banyak search engine. Ternyata yg efektif cuma sekitar 5.
3. Submit ke ratusan url direktori. Ternyata yg efektif hanya sekitar 25 situs saja.
4. Submit ke sosialbokmarking yg do follow (sekitar 26 situs). Hingga saat ini belum ada hasil backlink dari mereka.
5. Submit ke banyak free artikel direktori. Yg efektif hanya sekitar 5-6 saja.
Saya juga mencoba-coba menggunakan taktik black hat, bisa dikatakan ada hasil namun kurang optimal. Tentu saja yg saya lakukan bukanlah hal2 yg membahayakan dng menaruh kode2 script tertentu utk menipu mesin pencari, melainkan hanya sedikit spamming dalam posting. Adapun yg saya lakukan utk aktifitas SEO black hat ini adalah:
1. Mengumpulkan keyword yg pokok maupun long tail
2. Mengambil artikel dari penyedia artikel gratisan dan kemudian direcycle, ambil satu paragraph utk diposting.
3. Mengambil google result utk bahan postingan dng keyword2 yg dibidik. Kmd digabungkan dalam artikel yg sudah direcycle di atas.
4. Memosting 30 artikel/hari (scheduling)
5. Membuat 10 artikel utk disubmit ke ezinearticles.com (sbg backlink agar mudah terindeks)
6. Mensubmit ke bbrp situs social bookmarking.
Eksperimen pertama hasilnya lumayan, ada situs dng sekitar 1000 postingan hampir semuanya terindeks. Jumlah pengunjungnya pun lumayan (ada ratusan pengunjung dalam sehari) dan cukup menghasilkan dolar. Namun sayangnya ini tdk bertahan lama (hanya sekitar seminggu), setelah itu situs langsung dibanned oleh google (tak ada satupun yg terindeks). Utk eksperimen kedua dan berikutnya, dari sekian banyak poostingan yg saya buat hanya sedikit sekali yg terindeks, dan hasilnya pun tidak seberapa (tak sebanding dng usaha yg dilakukan).
Label: Bisnis Online
Diposting oleh M che anam di 05.23 0 komentar
10 Desember, 2008
Sikap Mental: Kekuatan Pikiran Anda
Every Human Achievement, from the Roman Coliseum to this course you’re reading, began as a single thought. You and you alone have the power to decide what you want from life and to make your dreams come true.
To put it another way, you not only chose your destiny, you chose your reality! Do you want to be a success online? Then make that part of your reality! See yourself as successful and it will happen! Psychologists have shown numerous times that when a person becomes ready and willing to accept something into their life, it appears for them.
So, how do you go about creating a new, prosperous reality? The first place to start is to take a good look at your thoughts. Let’s use a dog as an example. What do you think of when you think of a dog? Is he dirty? Is he loud? Or is he your best friend that’s allowed to sleep with you even though he hogs the bed? The fact is he’s a dog. It’s your perception of what a dog is that makes him good or bad. The same can be applied to anything else in life! Take control of your own reality! Remove negative thoughts and believe in your success!
Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book, Think and Grown Rich, spent a lifetime studying successful millionaires such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie. What did he find that made them all successful? They all believed in the power of their thoughts! Specifically, they all had:
A burning desire for success. These men were passionate about what they were doing! You can’t kinda, sorta, want to make money online. You have to really want it!
Did you watch any of the Winter Olympic games? Did you hear what the commentators said about the athletes that came out of nowhere to win the gold medal? “Their performance was great! You could tell that they really wanted to win this! They were determined to be the best!”
An unshakable belief in themselves and their dreams. How many times do you think the Wright brothers were laughed at when they told people they were going to fly? The concept of flight was not a part of anyone’s reality back then but they saw that it was possible. Look where we are today because of that one belief, that one simple thought!
Persistence. Thomas Edison had less than three months of schooling but he became the world’s leading inventor. He failed hundreds and hundreds of times but his persistence led to the invention of the light bulb, telephone and hundreds of other useful devices.
There are going to be times when your dreams are not working out the way you had hoped– your plans aren't working, your ads aren’t pulling, your product isn’t right. DON'T QUIT! This is a temporary condition! You have to fail sometimes to find success. The key is to keep trying and learning! How many times did you fall down when first learning to ride a bike? But you got back up, didn’t you? And you kept trying until you got it right.
Let me put it another way. You didn’t take the leap into network marketing to just quit, did you? It’s like climbing a mountain. You will find some hard parts along the way, a few boulders may be thrown at you, but step by step you will finally make it to the top!
The Internet is not a get rich quick scheme. It just doesn't work that way. It takes times and it takes work. But all the key elements of success are already inside of you! Remember, If you can dream it, if you can imagine it, if you can believe it, you can achieve it!
By: Anne Ahira
Label: Motivasi
Diposting oleh M che anam di 17.16 0 komentar
07 Desember, 2008
Goal Setting: Memaksimalkan Potensi Penuh Anda
If you're going on a trip, what's the first thing you normally do? You pull out a map and plot your course. You find the best way to get to your final destination. Your journey in life is no different. If you want to be successful, you need to develop a well thought out plan to get there. How do you that? With three easy steps.
1. You need to have specific written goals in place.
Goals need to be very detailed. You can't just say, "I want to have a new car this year". You have to get all of your five senses involved. What kind of car, what color, what does the interior smell like, how do the seats feel? Picture yourself driving it. The more real you can imagine it, the better chance you have of making it come true.
2. You need to write the reasons for why you want to achieve these goals and you need to look at them daily!
Why do you want a new car? Why do you want to be a success online? You have to have specific reasons for achieving your goals. Otherwise, why would you spend time working online when you could be lounging on the couch watching TV? Your reasons give you a purpose, they will keep you focused on the future. In a world of instant everything, it's hard to stay with something when you don't see immediate results. But in order to have a successful business online, you must stick with it for at least a year!
3. You have to break your big goals down into mini goals
When I started with Financial Freedom Society business , for instance, I made it my goal to sign up 24 teammates in a year. In order to accomplish that goal, I broke it down into smaller sections. That meant for each month I was going to sign up 2 people. In order to sign up 2 people, I made weekly and daily goals for myself. I would send out 10 emails a day, I would devote 2 hours a week to learning the Fincancial Freedom Society course, I would spend 5 hours a week training my downline. Whatever your time frame is, however many hours you can devote to your online business, you need to set mini -goals for yourself. You need to have a plan!
By: Anne Ahira
AsianBrain's CEO
Label: Motivasi
Diposting oleh M che anam di 17.15 0 komentar
01 Desember, 2008
Motivasi: Anda Bisa Sukses
Staying motivated and focused is essential to your business. Remember those goals you wrote down? You did write them down, didn't you?? Good! Think about those goals, and about where you want to be a year from now, ten years from now. Every moment between now and then is an opportunity to move closer to the goals you've set for yourself.
Now, I want you to think about how you spend your time. What are you going to do for the next hour? Is it going to move you closer toward your goal? Picture yourself wasting the next hour, wasting this next year, and then think about how you're going to feel when you haven't achieved what you set out to do. Regret is a powerful motivator.
Now think about what would happen if you use your time wisely. If you follow your plan of action and keep focused on your goals. Picture yourself living out your dreams and think how good it will feel a year from now, ten years from now, when you can do just that! It can happen! You can be successful!
Ok, so now you've got your vision focused on success. You're motivated to see your dreams become reality! You start networking, emailing some people, maybe placing an ad or two. You get a few responses but nobody seems really interested. You're doing everything right but it still doesn't seem to be working. You're getting a little discouraged. Things aren't moving along as fast as you thought they would. Don't worry!! As I said before, this is a temporary condition! There are going to be some slow times. The key is to find out what keeps you going and never give up! Sign up for a daily motivational email, chat with some of your team members, read an inspiring biography, whatever it takes to keep you focused and motivated is what you need to do! And remember, you are not alone!
"RH Macy failed 7 times before his store in New York caught on.
Novelist John Creasey got 753 rejections slips before he published the first of his 564 books.
Thomas Edison was thrown out of school in the early grades when teachers decided he could not do the work.
When Bob Dylan performed at a high school talent show, he was booed off the stage." -Joe Griffith
No matter where you are in your life, no matter what obstacles stand in your way, you can become successful online! I guarantee that there is someone who has been where you are, that faced the same challenges that you may be facing, and they have found success!
Remember this important fact: If you have the right mindset, if you have your goals in place, you are already ahead of 90% of the people online!
Cited from Anne Ahira
AsianBrain's CEO
Label: Motivasi
Diposting oleh M che anam di 17.10 0 komentar